Tickets are now on sale for our series of mini gigs at the Noaberfest in Almelo and Tubbergen. We will be performing at three separate locations each day along with a host of other wonderful artists, including The Lasses and Wouter Planteijdt. Click below and scroll down for information and tickets.
It's been three weeks since the release of the new single Regards and I have been very slow to update the News page. I was going to blame the weather because it still feels like February, but no. Mea culpa. Anyway, the new song is out there doing its thing in the wicked world of streaming and downloading and YouTubing ( so make sure you tune in for a listen at if you haven't already done so. And we have another livestream performance coming up next Friday, May 28 at 20.30 CET on the TNTv YouTube channel.
All the pieces of the new album have been put together. And yet...
They say that patience is a virtue. If so, most of us have unwittingly become saints over the past twelve months as our lives have basically been put on hold. I've been sitting on the new album for a while now and was hoping to release it in May. Prudence has prevailed, however, and the launch is now scheduled for the autumn istead. With the current uncertainty regarding the possible reopening of, well, everything, there is simply no point in unleashing the album now when there is almost no way to get it out on the road and promote it the way we would like to.
The good news is that there will be a new single coming out at the end of April. So watch this space.