I am absolutely thrilled that Voyager 2 has made it to ASTRON, The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy in Dwingeloo. All thanks to Magda and the rest of the team at the Phoenix Observatory in Lochem. Where to next...? You can track the progress of both Voyagers here: The Journey

It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce our decision to cancel the album release show on Sunday 21 November in the Patronaat as a result to the new Covid restrictions. After some deliberation it became obvious that we would not be able to put on the kind of concert we had in mind and that it would be better to look for an alternative date. This is a great disappointment to everyone involved and I apologise for any inconvenience caused to those who have already purchased tickets. But rest assured, we will make up for it as soon as we can. More information regarding tickets and a new date will be made available soon at https://patronaat.nl/programma/
In the meantime, the new album Now Is The Time will be officially released as planned on 19 November and will be available (cd + download) through all the usual channels. So still something to look forward to!

Some of you may have noticed the lack of news recently surrounding the launch of the models of Voyager 1 and 2. Well, there was very little to report to be honest because Voyager 2 got stuck in orbit around Amsterdam a few months ago (the curse of Covid!) and we had to postpone the launch of its twin as a result, too. The good news is that number 2 is back on its merry way again thanks to the good people at the Phoenix Sterrenwacht in Lochem, where Ed and I had the pleasure of performing last Saturday. Now the journey can begin again in earnest. You can track its progress on The Journey page on this site.

Here's Hans, the chairman of the Phoenix observatory, taking Voyager 2 into his care

Voyager 2 in good company